Guild Ranks |
The guild will have ranks according to member’s loyalty and how they attend raids.
Each rank has its advantages.
The Ranks:
1. Private
2. Corpral
3. Seargeant
4. Lieutenant
5. Lower Captain - organize lower lvl events and add new members
6. Captain - add new members
7. Banker - Magdaline: Controls The Guild Bank and add new members
8. Marshal - Nyneave: add new members and promote
10. General - Jacques: Guild Master
1. Please where your tabard at all times it is the symbol of the guild.
2. When you pick up an item that you won’t use please keep it for someone that will use it. Like the tailor’s - cloth items.
3. When there is a raid please do not pick up items that you can’t use other member would like to use it.
The rules are there that the guild can perform as one and that all members can have a part in the fun.